Friday, May 25, 2007

Crisis in Darfur: USHM and Google Earth

Google Earth Map of Crisis in Darfur

The U.S. Holocaust Museum and Google Earth worked together to illustrate the ongoing crisis in Darfur. It is yet another attempt to bring attention to the horrors that Darfuris experience daily at the hands of the Janjaweed who are backed by the Sudanese government in Khartoum.

If you already have Google Earth, you need to download the Crisis in Darfur layers.


Blogger Heddy said...

hi jenny!

randomly decided to catch up on friends' blogs and pleasantly surprised to see you're still posting here... keep writing!

oh, and check out:

there's a lot of great features on there, and you can take online action to protect villages that are still in tact. not sure if it will work with al-Bashir, but it's a good experiment to try?

good seeing you over the weekend, was so much fun! and oh, the food.. mmmmmm.. xx

5:06 AM  

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