Red Hand Day [Campaign Event]
Red Hand Day, 12 February 2006
An Initiative by terre des hommes Germany for the International Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers, Red Hand Day aims to bring public awareness to the plight of child soldiers all around the world through activism, demonstrations, and other creative expression. For more information, visit the Red Hand Day Website. The website displays photos from previous Red Hand Day events all over the world.
[News] Last week, on 2 February, the US Senate passed resolution 366 - "Affirming the importance of increased international action and a national week of prayer for the Ugandan victims of Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army, and expressing the sense of the Senate that Sudan, Uganda, and the international community bring justice and humanitarian assistance to Northern Uganda and that February 2 through 9, 2006, should be designated as a national week of prayer and reflection for the people of Uganda." Click here for complete resolution. The Senate resolution, unfortunately, doesn't spell out any specific action. Even if they do increase humanitarian aid, how much of that will just be pumped into the Ugandan army (UPDF) to pursue the LRA & capture Kony (which has been terribly unsuccessful over the past 2 decades)? Where's all the aid for the disarmament camps going? Something I need to research... I'm just speculating.
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